Educational Resources and Service Ideas

To support Service Above Self, we have put together a list of service projects by age group and group size to support students, teachers, and our community with ideas to inspire service!


Individual Service Projects

 Elementary School (Grades K-5)

1. Reading Buddies

   – Experience: Read books to younger students or seniors at a local care facility.

   – Supplies Needed: Age-appropriate books.

   – Cost: No cost if books are borrowed from a library.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Literacy skills and empathy.


2. Handmade Cards for Seniors

   – Experience: Create greeting cards for residents of a local nursing home.

   – Supplies Needed: Paper, markers, stickers.

   – Cost: $10-$20 for art supplies.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Creativity and compassion.


3. Litter Patrol

   – Experience: Pick up trash in the schoolyard or local park.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost if supplies are provided by the school or park.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship.


4. Classroom Helper

   – Experience: Assist the teacher with tasks like organizing materials.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Responsibility and organizational skills.


5. Gardening Assistant

   – Experience: Help maintain the school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools.

   – Cost: No cost if tools are available.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Knowledge of plants and responsibility.


6. Recycling Advocate

   – Experience: Promote recycling in the school.

   – Supplies Needed: Posters, recycling bins.

   – Cost: Up to $50 for materials.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental awareness.


7. Peer Tutor

   – Experience: Help a classmate with their studies.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Teaching skills and subject matter proficiency.


8. Thank You Notes

   – Experience: Write thank you notes to school staff.

   – Supplies Needed: Paper, markers, envelopes.

   – Cost: $10-$20.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Gratitude and writing skills.


9. Animal Shelter Helper

   – Experience: Make toys or blankets for animals at a shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Fabric, sewing materials.

   – Cost: $10-$30.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion for animals.


10. Birthday Boxes

    – Experience: Create birthday boxes for children in need.

    – Supplies Needed: Small toys, cake mix, candles.

    – Cost: $20-$50.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Generosity and creativity.


 Middle School (Grades 6-8)

1. Tutor a Peer

   – Experience: Help a classmate with homework or study for exams.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Teaching skills and mastery of subject matter.


2. Food Drive Organizer

   – Experience: Organize a mini food drive within the neighborhood.

   – Supplies Needed: Boxes for collection, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and community awareness.


3. Environmental Advocate

   – Experience: Create posters or presentations on environmental conservation and share them at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Poster board, markers.

   – Cost: $10-$15.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental awareness and public speaking.


4. Pen Pal Program

   – Experience: Write letters to children in another country.

   – Supplies Needed: Paper, envelopes, stamps.

   – Cost: $10 for stamps and supplies.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Cultural awareness and writing skills.


5. Community Garden Helper

   – Experience: Help maintain a community garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds/plants.

   – Cost: Up to $50 for seeds and plants.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and responsibility.


6. Book Drive Organizer

   – Experience: Collect books to donate to a local library or children’s hospital.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, posters.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and organizational skills.


7. Recycling Program Leader

   – Experience: Set up a recycling program at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Recycling bins, posters.

   – Cost: $50 for bins.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental responsibility.


8. School Clean-Up

   – Experience: Organize a school clean-up day.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and environmental stewardship.


9. Tech Tutor for Seniors

   – Experience: Teach seniors how to use smartphones and computers.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


10. Clothing Drive Organizer

    – Experience: Organize a clothing drive for a local shelter.

    – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

    – Cost: No cost.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion.


 High School (Grades 9-12)

1. Resume Writing Assistance

   – Experience: Help peers or community members write resumes and cover letters.

   – Supplies Needed: Computer, printer.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Writing skills and professional development.


2. Social Media Awareness Campaign

   – Experience: Create and manage a social media campaign for a local non-profit.

   – Supplies Needed: Smartphone or computer.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Marketing skills and digital literacy.


3. Community Garden Maintenance

   – Experience: Help maintain a community garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds/plants.

   – Cost: Up to $50 for seeds and plants.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and responsibility.


4. Volunteer at a Food Bank

   – Experience: Help sort and pack food at a local food bank.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and organizational skills.


5. Mentorship Program

   – Experience: Mentor younger students in academics or extracurricular activities.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Leadership and teaching skills.


6. Pet Adoption Event

   – Experience: Organize an event to help a local animal shelter with pet adoptions.

   – Supplies Needed: Flyers, event materials.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and compassion for animals.


7. Technology Donation Drive

   – Experience: Collect and refurbish old computers to donate to families in need.

   – Supplies Needed: Tools for refurbishing, promotional materials.

   – Cost: Up to $200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and generosity.


8. Mental Health Awareness Week

   – Experience: Organize events and activities to promote mental health awareness.

   – Supplies Needed: Educational materials, event supplies.

   – Cost: $100-$300.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Awareness of mental health issues.


9. Habitat for Humanity Project

   – Experience: Partner with Habitat for Humanity to help build or renovate a home.

   – Supplies Needed: Construction tools and materials.

   – Cost: Up to $500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Construction skills and community service.


10. Environmental Conservation Project

    – Experience: Implement an environmental project such as creating a rain garden or organizing a recycling program.

    – Supplies Needed: Plants, shovels, soil.

    – Cost: $200-$500.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship.


### Small Group Service Projects (2-5 Students)


 Elementary School (Grades K-5)

1. Book Drive

   – Experience: Collect books to donate to a local library or children’s hospital.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, posters.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and community awareness.


2. Classroom Helpers

   – Experience: Assist teachers with classroom tasks such as organizing supplies or preparing materials.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Responsibility and teamwork.


3. Thank You Notes

   – Experience: Write thank you notes to school staff or local emergency responders.

   – Supplies Needed: Paper, markers, envelopes.

   – Cost: $10-$20.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Gratitude and writing skills.


4. School Garden Helpers

   – Experience: Help maintain the school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds.

   – Cost: Up to $50.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Knowledge of plants and teamwork.


5. Recycling Program

   – Experience: Set up a recycling program at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Recycling bins, posters.

   – Cost: $50 for bins.



Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental responsibility.


6. Friendship Bracelets

   – Experience: Make friendship bracelets to donate to children in hospitals.

   – Supplies Needed: Beads, string.

   – Cost: $10-$20.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Craft skills and empathy.


7. Animal Shelter Donations

   – Experience: Collect items to donate to a local animal shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion for animals.


8. Holiday Decorations for Seniors

   – Experience: Make holiday decorations for a local senior center.

   – Supplies Needed: Craft supplies.

   – Cost: $20-$30.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Creativity and empathy.


9. Clean-Up Crew

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day at a local park or school.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and environmental stewardship.


10. Plant a Tree

    – Experience: Plant trees around the school or community.

    – Supplies Needed: Trees, shovels, soil.

    – Cost: $50-$100 per tree.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship and responsibility.


 Middle School (Grades 6-8)

1. Charity Run/Walk

   – Experience: Organize a run/walk to raise money for a local charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Registration forms, water stations.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and physical fitness.


2. Senior Care Packages

   – Experience: Assemble and deliver care packages to a local senior center.

   – Supplies Needed: Toiletries, snacks, games.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


3. School Garden

   – Experience: Start and maintain a school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds, plants.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and teamwork.


4. Tech Tutors

   – Experience: Teach seniors how to use smartphones and computers.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


5. Clothing Drive

   – Experience: Organize a clothing drive for a local shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion.


6. Environmental Advocacy

   – Experience: Create presentations on environmental conservation and share them at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Poster board, markers.

   – Cost: $10-$15.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental awareness and public speaking.


7. Community Clean-Up

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day in the community.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and environmental stewardship.


8. Peer Tutoring

   – Experience: Tutor younger students in academics.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Teaching skills and subject matter proficiency.


9. Holiday Gift Wrapping

   – Experience: Offer gift-wrapping services to raise money for charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Wrapping paper, tape, bows.

   – Cost: $20-$50.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Craft skills and fundraising.


10. Library Helpers

    – Experience: Volunteer at the school or local library.

    – Supplies Needed: None.

    – Cost: No cost.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Responsibility and organizational skills.


 High School (Grades 9-12)

1. Community Health Fair

   – Experience: Organize a health fair to provide information and services.

   – Supplies Needed: Pamphlets, health kits.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Health awareness and event planning.


2. Job Skills Workshop

   – Experience: Host a workshop on job skills like interviewing and resume writing.

   – Supplies Needed: Handouts, speakers.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Professional development.


3. Environmental Project

   – Experience: Implement an environmental project such as creating a rain garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Plants, shovels, soil.

   – Cost: $200-$500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship.


4. Blood Drive

   – Experience: Organize a blood drive with the Red Cross.

   – Supplies Needed: Promotional materials.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and health awareness.


5. Food Bank Volunteering

   – Experience: Volunteer regularly at a local food bank.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and teamwork.


6. Pet Adoption Events

   – Experience: Partner with a local animal shelter to organize adoption events.

   – Supplies Needed: Event materials, promotional flyers.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and compassion for animals.


7. Senior Tech Support

   – Experience: Provide tech support to seniors at a community center.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


8. Habitat for Humanity

   – Experience: Work with Habitat for Humanity on building projects.

   – Supplies Needed: Construction tools and materials.

   – Cost: Up to $500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Construction skills and community service.


9. Cultural Awareness Week

   – Experience: Organize a week of activities to celebrate and learn about different cultures.

   – Supplies Needed: Decorations, informational materials.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Cultural awareness and event planning.


10. Mental Health Awareness Campaign

    – Experience: Create a campaign to raise awareness about mental health issues.

    – Supplies Needed: Educational materials, promotional items.

    – Cost: $50-$100.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Mental health awareness and advocacy.


### Medium Group Service Projects (6-14 Students)


 Elementary School (Grades K-5)

1. Recycling Program

   – Experience: Set up a recycling program at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Recycling bins, posters.

   – Cost: $50 for bins.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental responsibility.


2. Plant a Tree

   – Experience: Plant trees around the school or community.

   – Supplies Needed: Trees, shovels, soil.

   – Cost: $50-$100 per tree.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship and responsibility.


3. Classroom Mural

   – Experience: Create a mural to beautify the school.

   – Supplies Needed: Paint, brushes.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Creativity and teamwork.


4. Buddy Reading Program

   – Experience: Pair older and younger students for regular reading sessions.

   – Supplies Needed: Books.

   – Cost: No cost if books are borrowed.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Literacy skills and mentoring.


5. Holiday Decorations for School

   – Experience: Create holiday decorations for the school.

   – Supplies Needed: Craft supplies.

   – Cost: $20-$30.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Creativity and teamwork.


6. Charity Fair

   – Experience: Host a fair with games and activities to raise money for a local charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Booth materials, games.

   – Cost: Up to $200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and community service.


7. Clean-Up Day

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day at school or in the community.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship and teamwork.


8. Toy Drive

   – Experience: Collect and donate toys to a local children’s hospital.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


9. Animal Shelter Donations

   – Experience: Collect items to donate to a local animal shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion for animals.


10. Senior Care Packages

    – Experience: Assemble and deliver care packages to a local senior center.

    – Supplies Needed: Toiletries, snacks, games.

    – Cost: $50-$100.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


 Middle School (Grades 6-8)

1. Charity Run/Walk

   – Experience: Organize a run/walk to raise money for a local charity.

   – Supplies


 Needed: Registration forms, water stations.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and physical fitness.


2. Senior Care Packages

   – Experience: Assemble and deliver care packages to a local senior center.

   – Supplies Needed: Toiletries, snacks, games.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


3. School Garden

   – Experience: Start and maintain a school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds, plants.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and teamwork.


4. Tech Tutors

   – Experience: Teach seniors how to use smartphones and computers.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


5. Clothing Drive

   – Experience: Organize a clothing drive for a local shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion.


6. Environmental Advocacy

   – Experience: Create presentations on environmental conservation and share them at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Poster board, markers.

   – Cost: $10-$15.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental awareness and public speaking.


7. Community Clean-Up

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day in the community.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and environmental stewardship.


8. Peer Tutoring

   – Experience: Tutor younger students in academics.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Teaching skills and subject matter proficiency.


9. Holiday Gift Wrapping

   – Experience: Offer gift-wrapping services to raise money for charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Wrapping paper, tape, bows.

   – Cost: $20-$50.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Craft skills and fundraising.


10. Library Helpers

    – Experience: Volunteer at the school or local library.

    – Supplies Needed: None.

    – Cost: No cost.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Responsibility and organizational skills.


 High School (Grades 9-12)

1. Community Health Fair

   – Experience: Organize a health fair to provide information and services.

   – Supplies Needed: Pamphlets, health kits.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Health awareness and event planning.


2. Job Skills Workshop

   – Experience: Host a workshop on job skills like interviewing and resume writing.

   – Supplies Needed: Handouts, speakers.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Professional development.


3. Environmental Project

   – Experience: Implement an environmental project such as creating a rain garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Plants, shovels, soil.

   – Cost: $200-$500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship.


4. Blood Drive

   – Experience: Organize a blood drive with the Red Cross.

   – Supplies Needed: Promotional materials.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and health awareness.


5. Food Bank Volunteering

   – Experience: Volunteer regularly at a local food bank.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and teamwork.


6. Pet Adoption Events

   – Experience: Partner with a local animal shelter to organize adoption events.

   – Supplies Needed: Event materials, promotional flyers.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and compassion for animals.


7. Senior Tech Support

   – Experience: Provide tech support to seniors at a community center.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


8. Habitat for Humanity

   – Experience: Work with Habitat for Humanity on building projects.

   – Supplies Needed: Construction tools and materials.

   – Cost: Up to $500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Construction skills and community service.


9. Cultural Awareness Week

   – Experience: Organize a week of activities to celebrate and learn about different cultures.

   – Supplies Needed: Decorations, informational materials.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Cultural awareness and event planning.


10. Mental Health Awareness Campaign

    – Experience: Create a campaign to raise awareness about mental health issues.

    – Supplies Needed: Educational materials, promotional items.

    – Cost: $50-$100.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Mental health awareness and advocacy.


### Class Service Projects (15-20 Students)


 Elementary School (Grades K-5)

1. School Beautification

   – Experience: Paint murals, plant flowers, and clean up the school grounds.

   – Supplies Needed: Paint, brushes, gardening tools.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and teamwork.


2. Penny Drive

   – Experience: Collect spare change for a local charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection jars, promotional materials.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Philanthropy and organizational skills.


3. Classroom Library

   – Experience: Create a mini-library in the classroom by collecting donated books.

   – Supplies Needed: Shelves, books.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Literacy promotion and responsibility.


4. Holiday Cards for Troops

   – Experience: Make and send holiday cards to deployed military personnel.

   – Supplies Needed: Paper, markers, envelopes.

   – Cost: $20-$30.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Gratitude and creativity.


5. Recycling Program

   – Experience: Set up a recycling program at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Recycling bins, posters.

   – Cost: $50 for bins.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental responsibility.


6. Toy Drive

   – Experience: Collect and donate toys to a local children’s hospital.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


7. School Garden

   – Experience: Start and maintain a school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds, plants.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and teamwork.


8. Animal Shelter Donations

   – Experience: Collect items to donate to a local animal shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion for animals.


9. Clean-Up Day

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day at school or in the community.

   – Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship and teamwork.


10. Senior Care Packages

    – Experience: Assemble and deliver care packages to a local senior center.

    – Supplies Needed: Toiletries, snacks, games.

    – Cost: $50-$100.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


 Middle School (Grades 6-8)

1. Charity Run/Walk

   – Experience: Organize a run/walk to raise money for a local charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Registration forms, water stations.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and physical fitness.


2. Senior Care Packages

   – Experience: Assemble and deliver care packages to a local senior center.

   – Supplies Needed: Toiletries, snacks, games.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Compassion and organizational skills.


3. School Garden

   – Experience: Start and maintain a school garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Gardening tools, seeds, plants.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Agricultural knowledge and teamwork.


4. Tech Tutors

   – Experience: Teach seniors how to use smartphones and computers.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


5. Clothing Drive

   – Experience: Organize a clothing drive for a local shelter.

   – Supplies Needed: Collection boxes, flyers.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Organizational skills and compassion.


6. Environmental Advocacy

   – Experience: Create presentations on environmental conservation and share them at school.

   – Supplies Needed: Poster board, markers.

   – Cost: $10-$15.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental awareness and public speaking.


7. Community Clean-Up

   – Experience: Organize a clean-up day in the community.



 Supplies Needed: Gloves, trash bags.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community pride and environmental stewardship.


8. Peer Tutoring

   – Experience: Tutor younger students in academics.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Teaching skills and subject matter proficiency.


9. Holiday Gift Wrapping

   – Experience: Offer gift-wrapping services to raise money for charity.

   – Supplies Needed: Wrapping paper, tape, bows.

   – Cost: $20-$50.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Craft skills and fundraising.


10. Library Helpers

    – Experience: Volunteer at the school or local library.

    – Supplies Needed: None.

    – Cost: No cost.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Responsibility and organizational skills.


 High School (Grades 9-12)

1. Community Health Fair

   – Experience: Organize a health fair to provide information and services.

   – Supplies Needed: Pamphlets, health kits.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Health awareness and event planning.


2. Job Skills Workshop

   – Experience: Host a workshop on job skills like interviewing and resume writing.

   – Supplies Needed: Handouts, speakers.

   – Cost: $50-$100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Professional development.


3. Environmental Project

   – Experience: Implement an environmental project such as creating a rain garden.

   – Supplies Needed: Plants, shovels, soil.

   – Cost: $200-$500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Environmental stewardship.


4. Blood Drive

   – Experience: Organize a blood drive with the Red Cross.

   – Supplies Needed: Promotional materials.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and health awareness.


5. Food Bank Volunteering

   – Experience: Volunteer regularly at a local food bank.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Community service and teamwork.


6. Pet Adoption Events

   – Experience: Partner with a local animal shelter to organize adoption events.

   – Supplies Needed: Event materials, promotional flyers.

   – Cost: Up to $100.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Event planning and compassion for animals.


7. Senior Tech Support

   – Experience: Provide tech support to seniors at a community center.

   – Supplies Needed: None.

   – Cost: No cost.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Technical skills and patience.


8. Habitat for Humanity

   – Experience: Work with Habitat for Humanity on building projects.

   – Supplies Needed: Construction tools and materials.

   – Cost: Up to $500.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Construction skills and community service.


9. Cultural Awareness Week

   – Experience: Organize a week of activities to celebrate and learn about different cultures.

   – Supplies Needed: Decorations, informational materials.

   – Cost: $100-$200.

   – Primary Learning Outcome: Cultural awareness and event planning.


10. Mental Health Awareness Campaign

    – Experience: Create a campaign to raise awareness about mental health issues.

    – Supplies Needed: Educational materials, promotional items.

    – Cost: $50-$100.

    – Primary Learning Outcome: Mental health awareness and advocacy.